Welcome to InsideOut and Trinity

We are a community of faith in Anchorage that pours out for our neighbors and gathers each week to celebrate all God has done.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wednesday Night Fun

Trinity's Wednesday Nights are always a bunch of fun, especially the last Wednesday night of the month, where families take time to enjoy each other's company through interactive games and activities courtesy of Children's Ministry.

Last week kids and parents held a sledding party at Huffman Elementary (right behind Trinity) and Game Night. A little hot chocolate, a plate of warm cookies, some BINGO and Go Fish, a lot of fellowship. Everyone is welcome to join the fun beginning at 5:45 p.m. for dinner. Activities follow the meal and classes and discussion groups wrap up at 7:15 p.m.

Contact Trinity for more information 907-345-4823 or just show up!

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