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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Helping Haiti: How You Can Contribute

As Haiti continues to struggle in the aftermath of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake that all but leveled the capital city of Port-Au-Prince, Haiti's largest city, it becomes even more important to know how we can assist in both immediate and longer-term ways.

Whenever a disaster occurs, there are a number of organizations that stand ready to provide basic supplies and services; medical care, shelter, and food. We here at home want to help, too, but often are unsure of how, and what to offer. In this age of internet donations, too, scam artists make a dishonest living by capitalizing on others' misfortuntes, and sometimes we are fooled by what seems to be a legitimate cry for help.

Many aid organizations have requested only money to help in these immediate efforts. In this tangible way, we the donors allow the staff to determine the greatest need and purchase any supplies needed. Below is a list of organizations most of us are familiar with if you or your family wishes to contribute. Their web sites will let you know if anything beyond cash is needed, and how and where to send these items.

I am sure I join hundreds of thousands of people who are praying for the continued efforts of all those involved with Haiti's rescue and relief efforts.

Food for the Hungry

Compassion International

World Vision

American Red Cross


  1. Charity Navigator (www.charitynavigator.org) rates charities based upon a number of factors which include percentage of donation taken out for admin costs, CEO pay, program costs compared to organization costs. The first three charities listed above have a top rated 4-star rating and American Red Cross has a 3-star rating.
    Dean Southam

  2. Thanks, Dean, and you are right. Charitynavigator has created a wonderful resource for those of us considering cash donations. Also refer to today's (Sunday) bulletin for another option.
