My husband and I take a holiday time-out each year to view the Christmas classic "It's a Wonderful Life" starring my favorite every-man actor, Jimmy Stewart. The story is an old one; a man, reaching the deepest depths of despair, believes that the world would be a better place without his (what he perceives anyway) minor contributions.
As the story unfolds and a bumbling but truly gifted almost-angel leads George Bailey around a town that, indeed, does not know this frenzied and probably crazy individual, we see how one man's presence touches another's, and another's, and still more, until an entire community is poised to utterly and completely be full of the bounty George Bailey poured from his own gracious cup of kindness.
Remember the scene where George is being asked to carry on after his father's early death? Standing in a spartan office that now belongs to him, George takes a moment to stare at a framed sampler on the wall. It says "All you can take with you is that which you've given away..." I've watched this movie a thousand times and never before noticed the words or paid attention to their meaning.
Service, empathy, joy, sacrifice.
Love, from the Inside, Out. That's what makes life wonderful. George, the richest man in town, figured it out. Have you?
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