Welcome to InsideOut and Trinity

We are a community of faith in Anchorage that pours out for our neighbors and gathers each week to celebrate all God has done.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Young Adults Find Strength at Urbana 2009

This week, while most of us are taking the Christmas tree down, finishing up the last of our holiday turkey and helping the kids figure out their newest Wii game, a group of young adults from Trinity are, literally, on a mission.

Urbana 09 is taking place in St. Louis, one of the largest gatherings of college students and young adults ever to be assembled with a common agenda: learning about tangible ways to connect God's work with their own interests and gifts, and putting them to practice.

One of our young adults, Heather Apperson, sent our Eric Brown a letter shortly before Christmas, and her perspectives fit perfectly with the mission of Urbana. here is an exerpt, full of testimony, faith, and feeling. Heather lives in Juneau for the present. Our young people return at the New Year, and we can't wait to hear all they have received, and what they are about to give in Jesus' name.

"This semester has been packetd full of adventures while exploring the Tongass, the Inside Passage, and the Juneau Ice Field. God and I have had many conversations, and one that always came up was my feeling of restlessness. No adventure was ever enough...deep in my heart I didn't want to trust God in what he asked of me...

...After a series of near misses (while out on adventures) I began to see that I, Heather Apperson, was far from invincible and eternity could be just a moment away...To make a long story short, I chose God, and I wanted to find a way to get my foot in the door and follow my calling, and that is how I heard about Urbana. I'm excited to see how my gifts and talents that will reveal God in a world that has not experienced His hope, love, mercy, and grace. I am here, waiting to see what God's great adventure has in store for me."

1 comment:

  1. What a way to end the year/start a new year. This mission conference touches litterally thousands of people every 3 years. It is great that 3 people from Trinity attended this year. It will be exciting to hear what they have to share of their experiences. Thank you Heather for putting your thoughts and experiences into words.
