I tried to put myself in their shoes. I imagine they were pretty freaked out about all that had happened. I wonder if they were hiding. I wonder if they felt guilt or shame.
If I were there I would have felt pretty bad. Just 2 days before I would have promised Jesus I wouldn't run away. But they did, they all did. I would have felt so guilty and shameful. I may have tried to justify what I did. "If we had followed him they would have arrested us too! He would want us to be safe, don't you think?"
Then it hit me...I have said this! Sometimes I try to justify not having done something I know I was supposed to do (stop to help someone, say a kind word when it might be met with a negative response, etc.). I don't think God wants me to be hurt, but I think I limit him when I say, "Well, I can't go there or do that...it could be dangerous."
What if I began with, "God, today is yours. Use me as you see fit." If I seek his guidance, look to the Holy Spirit to tell me what to do and what to say, even if there's risk, I'll be leaving it up to him. I don't mean go out and be reckless because God won't let anything bad happen, I mean to be open to where God leads - even when it's hard.
I don’t know what the disciples said that Saturday. I do know that certain things about that weekend weren’t quite clear to them until later. If we trust God to lead us into places he is calling us, whatever might happen, who knows what will become clear later on!
I'm thinking that's one of the most mature things we can do; begin a conversation with "You" rather than "Me".