Welcome to InsideOut and Trinity

We are a community of faith in Anchorage that pours out for our neighbors and gathers each week to celebrate all God has done.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Change the World? How?

A post from Megan Holliday:

Our home group has been meeting and going through this new study for about 3 weeks now and I have been struggling with the "bigness" of it all. We talk about caring for the least, those who are sick, correcting injustice and I start to feel 2 things: helpless and tired. How can I save the world from injustice? I'm one person!

One of the most encouraging things to me from this study is the personal reflection times to do in between home group meetings. Part of these activities is to really think about how I can, as one person, do something. It doesn't have to be planning a trip to Africa to immunize kids (but it could be). It doesn't have to be starting a non-profit to serve underprivileged people (but it could be). For me it's looking around me to find the least. For me it's becoming aware of injustices and not letting them occur in front of me. For me it's being willing to step out of a comfort zone when I see a need.

My home group has encouraged me more than they know in the ways they have identified to be a Good Samaritan in their spheres of influence. They have decided to have a difficult conversation with a co-worker, make conversation with people they don't know, write to a prisoner on death row, try a little harder to get to know a person who's hard to get to know.

These aren't life-changing, earth-shaking, HUGE things to do, but they can be!

Do you feel helpless and tired when looking at the world's problems and your role to help correct them? Share your experience!

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