Many of you know that our family is missing one member in the form of our oldest son, 16, who lives at a residential school in Utah to help him manage his Autism Spectrum disorder. Two years absent, it's taken our family at least that long to reconfigure, regroup, and reevaluate our relationship with each other and with God.
My walk with God has been somewhat tenuous in the past; anger, hurt, and deep confusion predominated conversations with Him that usually looped around to "How could this happen to ME?" sorts of endings. Last year's Good Friday service was a powerful reminder of these things as I listened closely to a story I had heard at least a thousand times growing up. Geez, I thought to myself, God let his son die. His mother let her son die. Cruelly, painfully. It brought back a flood of negative memories and feelings contrary, as I now know, to the meaning behind the event. Like so many other people in the Fellowship Hall that night, I found myself weeping in a corner as I listened; but for me and the way my life had turned out so contrary to what I wanted and felt I deserved.
It's been a year of discovery and contemplation to look beyond myself and view the season of Easter in a different way. Tonight is another Good Friday service, and I understand more now, reaching out to its meaning, and how in a way it is about me. Me, and God, and You, and Everybody. I've found different conclusions this Good Friday that will lead to an absolutely different sort of celebration on Easter Sunday.
Who is your Good Friday about?
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