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We are a community of faith in Anchorage that pours out for our neighbors and gathers each week to celebrate all God has done.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Acronyms, Etc. by, Tom Letts

Acronyms FYI by, Tom Letts

So, after a few conversations and some reflection, I've come to the realization that there are three kinds of people who will follow this blog. The first will want details and background and resources. You will want to study on your own and decide for yourself and follow the process on your own. I can probably help you best by pointing you, in a timely manner, to resources for information. The second type will want highlights and bullet points. 'There are four main issues, they are...' I can probably best help you by clean, brief information and 'sound bites.' The third type is pretty much my mom. Ruth will want to know how I'm doing. I'll help you, mom, by putting up lots of pictures on Trinity's Facebook page.

So, each blog post will start with a 'sound bite' for the day. Then I'll have a paragraph with links to further reading for those looking for more depth and information. For the next few days I'll take four of the main issues being presented to the Assembly in the Twin Cities. For today, however, I thought I'd give you a handy guide of common Acronyms used for this summer's assembly. Keep it for reference as I'll use them extensively in my posts. NOTE: there are 22 PAGES of acronyms in the commissioners handbook! Here are 11.

ACC-Advisory Committee on the Constitution

ACEIR-Advisory Committee on Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations

BoO-Book of Order

FOG-Form of Government

GA-General Assembly (national meeting every 2 years)

GAC-General Assembly Council (board of directors)

OGA-Office of the General Assembly

PFR-Presbyterians for Renewal (renewal group, Tammy on the board)

PLGC-Presbyterians for Lesbian and Gay Concerns

TSAD-Theological Student Advisory Delegate

YAAD-Young Adult Advisory Delegate

Remember to go to pc-biz.org it THE web site for this Assembly.

Peace, tl

TRAVEL NOTES: I leave July 1st and return to worship at Trinity on Sunday the 11th.

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