Welcome to InsideOut and Trinity

We are a community of faith in Anchorage that pours out for our neighbors and gathers each week to celebrate all God has done.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Trinity Goes Jungle for Mayor's Marathon

A bunch of fantastic volunteers from Trinity braved a rainy, buggy day to help out at the First Ever Trinity Aid Station for the 2010 Mayor's Marathon today. With 2,000 entrants walking or running in this year's event, volunteers at Mile 10 handed out at least that many cups of sports drink and water, handful after handful of pretzels, and bananas by the bunch.

The theme was 'South American Jungle' and thanks to Cam Cartland and his magic musical instrument cache, the crew was able to move runners along with some world rhythms that kept folks jumping and jiving the remaining 3.5 miles to the Finish at West High School.
A HUGE thanks to Sonja, Ryan, Sara, Cam, Cassie, Will, Megan, Sara Stoops, Tom, Becca, Erin, James, Bill, Dean, Maryanne, Deborah, Rich, Shannon, and Marty for stepping up to help. It was so much fun and two fantastic things happened as a result. One, the "band" was recruited to provide some music for the upcoming Big Wild Life Runs in August; amazing since Cam taught most everyone how to play that morning. The next was a statement made by a walker towards the back of the pack.

"God put Christians right when and where I needed them! Thank you so much for being here."

Any time.

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