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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

General Assembly 'overture' process. by, Tom Letts

So, a few questions have come my way that might be good to answer before we move on to issues. 'How are Presbyterians governed? How are changes made to our stated beliefs and practices? Who makes the changes and how?'

The PC(USA) seeks to be guided by the movement of the Holy Spirit through: scripture, historic creeds, the Book of Order (our constitution), orderly group process (guided, in large part, by Roberts Rules of Order), and individual conscience.

The process of changing our constitution, with some variation, goes something like this (this is an oversimplification of the process that assumes all 'yes' votes): a person or session feels called to address a need or issue, they put this in writing and the session takes it to a meeting of their presbytery. The presbytery debates, perfects and passes the motion (now called 'an overture to the General Assembly'-like a 'bill' in the senate-). The overture goes to the GA offices and is assigned to a GA committee. The committee reviews the overture and decides that the overture will go before the GA. The overture is debated and voted upon by the GA. If passed, the overture is sent to all the presbyteries where it is debated and voted upon by each presbytery. If a majority of the presbyteries vote in favor of the 'overture' then it is placed in the constitution and carries authority (a 2/3 vote is needed to amend the confessions).

This year's GA may 'pass' an overture but no overture changing the constitution can have authority until it is passed by the local presbyteries. You may read a headline 'Presbyterians Vote to Ordain Kittens' but it should read, 'The General Assembly of the PC(USA) has voted to send to the local presbyteries for vote, a recommendation to ordain kittens.' [That's just a really long headline.]

More tomorrow. Peace, tl

1 comment:

  1. You mentioned 4 key issues. Digging through the GA site, it's a little hard to pick out only four. I saw gay marriage, Israel, and some of the social justice items. What are the four items you had in mind? And what's the likely outcome for those key issues?
