Ran into Sarah Pisk this week! That's no big deal to you yet, but I think it will be. You each have someone like this in your life, or maybe you ARE this to 'an old guy.' Sarah came to faith as a Jr Hi kid at our presbytery camp in Montana. I was dean of that camp for eleven years and have vivid memories of her as just a kid. She has grown in maturity in Christ and has become a winsome witness to the fruit of faithful ministries to youth. I am that kid to a handful of men and women who 'raised me from a pup' in Christ. You are that kid to someone too, aren't you? I stand in awe in the face of the Spirit's good work in maturing us in Christ. Sarah was food for my soul. [And, of course, I encouraged her to apply for an internship next summer!]
Outside the convention center each day, and outside the meeting room doors most days, have been groups protesting for or against decisions of the Assembly. Today, we had a group (news cameras and all), enter the meeting with placards, and stand, singing, on the stage. The moderator did as we have all been taught to do in seminary and had the assembly stand and sing a hymn (thank God the delegates from Montana with gun racks in their trucks weren't in charge!). We then took a recess for a few minutes and returned to business.
Three proposals related to the formation of non-geographic governing bodies were disapproved by the Assembly. These three proposals, respectively, called for the formation of a new non-geographic Korean presbytery; flexibility in presbytery membership; and a New Synod designed in part to overcome the constant preoccupation with battles over sexual ethics.
These are the three sites I use every day:
pc-biz.org [following the work of the committees of GA]
ga219.pcusa.org [the official site for news and information]
pfrenewal.org [you can register for updates or just click on the articles you want]
God is good. Love you all, tl
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