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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Full Day Of Plenary by, Tom Letts

Committee 15 ends its work!

Dear Saints- It will continue to be a 'good news-bad news' week. I'll mix them up for all of our sakes.

C15 (Evangelism Church Growth, PILP), as the first to finish its business, became the first to present today. We presented without a hitch and some great 'legislation' has been put into place. There is an emphasis/program called 'Deep and Wide.' that sounds and acts remarkably like 'Filled up. Poured out.' So cool to be a part of continuing this essential work if the denomination is to grow in vitality and numbers. The stat that I use so often is being used here all the time, '75% of our congregations are in decline, but 25% are growing. What can we learn from the 25%?'

C15 showed an instructive and inspirational video about a couple churches in the 25%, that I'm bringing home and will use in worship. BTW, we've seen some great video production here but none better then what Todd Hardisty has done for us.

The 219th GA daily paper is my first read each day. Tough, tough headlines today. 'New language offered for ordination standards does not include sexual ethics.' 'Definition of marriage to include union of 'two people.'' '$1.9 million cut from PC(USA) mission/ministry budget.' 'Committee votes to disallow formation of non-geographic synods based on theological agreement.' Each of these headlines is contrary to where Tammy and I (and I am confident the session as well) stand. The votes on these pieces forwarded from the committees start tomorrow and I expect all to pass, but you never know...

The worship music has been great. We are led by a young guy (late 20something) on acoustic guitar with a variety of his local worship team on vocals. Their band has a bass player, keyboard, and drummer. They are really good (but they aren't Cam, Will, Lori, Ryan, Meg2, and the rest). Oh, and I miss a good brass section! The musicians are from the Church of the Nations based here in Minneapolis. Look it up, its a great, 'missional' (Filled up. Poured out.) church.

Love you all, tl

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