Hey all! I hear we missed quite a worship service today. Alice Green and Derick Lee in a baptism not soon to be forgotten! God bless you Alice and Derick (and the rest who led!).
Opening business meeting: There are over 1,000 of us on padded metal chairs in a large convention center whose floor is polished concrete. Every time we stand or sit en masse it sounds like 1,000 Vuvuzela horns at the world cup. I almost broke into a German football song today.
There were technical problems with the voting machines (I believe they were brought in from Florida). But after a long tech delay (so glad for our worship tech people at Trinity!) the new moderator is... elder Cindy Bolbach. She was the most liberal of the candidates and won handily. One wonders what this will mean for the rest of the voting this week...
We finished the plenary meeting at 11:05 pm (after starting with my committee leadership team at just after 8:00 am). It was a memorable 1st day.
Websites for going deeper:
pc-biz.org [following the work of the committees of GA]
ga219.pcusa.org [the official site for news and information]
presbycoalition.org/ga2010main.cfm [a great site for all your GA questions]
pfrenewal.org [click 'ministries' and then 'issues' for exceptional background materials]
covnetpres.org [the 'liberal PC(USA)' website. Read to see the liberal views]
pres-outlook.com and go to Adam Copeland's GA blog [a denominational news agency asked this experienced writer/blogger to write this 'unofficial' blog]
More later. Peace, tl
I'm not sure about the views of the general assembly, but the committee votes don't seem to fit with the views of our congregation on many of the controversial topics. If the measure on non-geographic synods passes, it would seem to be the first step in splitting the denomination due to those differences. Perhaps some of the more traditional churches could join with the PCA churches that split off years ago?