Welcome to InsideOut and Trinity

We are a community of faith in Anchorage that pours out for our neighbors and gathers each week to celebrate all God has done.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

I Am is Enough...by Erin Kirkland

Cleaning out my car today I found last Sunday's bulletin stuck between the two front seats. It was wrinkled after a week traveling next to my coffee mug and laptop case, and some of the notes I had scribbled upon it were smeared; I think my water bottle dripped.

I retrieved it from the floor and glanced at the reading and my hurried writing over some of the words. At the top was written "Filled with I Am". Next to that was "I Am is Enough".

It's been a rough week. Tragic events in our city, an incredible loss in the lives of some precious friends; I just wanted to rewind the last few days and start over with different results. But as I sat down in my driveway with the words I scribbled, I realized I had forgotten about I Am and what I heard last week as I Am was transformed into "To Be", a verb.

I Am is us, we heard. Jesus asks us to be action words. He expressed this to the disciples up on the grassy mountainside with words that gently and beautifully instructed to be "care-full".

The light of I Am is here, there, and everywhere, even if the valley is dark. If we are the light of the world, maybe then we are the ones who can help the suffering, the sorrowful, and the poor in spirit.

And that was indeed enough this week as I gathered a grieving friend in my arms and promised I would be there, with the light of I Am surrounding both of us.

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